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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

BIKES NOT BOMBS: Emmanuel's Gift

Truly an inspirational movie that made me both laugh and cry. I opened the flood gates with this documentary and I'm surprised it took me this long to finally watch it. The movie is greatly directed and Oprah does a wonderful job as the narrator. Emmanuel Ofusu Yeboah is among many other things remarkable and extraordinary. I was amazed at how much will power and determination this one man had, enough to inspire his entire village, enough to inspire his country, and enough to inspire the entire world. During many of the scenes I viewed the disabled on the streets of cities in Ghana and what daily life for them was like, and how they were able to make a living for their families. Emmanuel also made it possible for others with a disability to reap the benefits of his struggle, paying it forward to those less fortunate. One of my favorite parts of the documentary was when Emmanuel tells the story of when he went to the shop to buy items for his boss (for whom he was working for $2.00 per day) and the shop owner told him it was too early to beg for money. Many of Ghana's disabled may indeed beg for money, but this was not Emmanuel's purpose for being at the shop. Another one of my favorite moments is at the very end of the movie, when they portray Emmanuel marrying his wife, and later a shot with Emmanuel holding his daughter in which I later found out, he named Linda, after Loma Linda Medical Center where he recieved his fitting for his prosthetic leg. I was overwhelmed with joy to see that he was able to marry and have children, as his disability should never get in the way of leading the best life possible. GREAT MOVIE!

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