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Monday, December 20, 2010

Observation of Life

While walking my dogs outside, I noticed other people in my neighborhood, walking from the corner store with bags in their hands, other dog walkers, joggers, and people getting into their cars and driving away. All of these people are different, different colors, different clothing, different gaits, different motivations for where they are going. I guess I can say that they are all portraying acceptable behavior, conducting regular every day activities. If the dog walker let her dog off it's leash, then that would be unacceptable, or didn't pick up after it, that would also be unacceptable. If the people pulling their cars out of their parking spaces and driveways banged into other cars parked on the street, that would be pretty unacceptable. I can say that most of these people are having a typical day, but what I do not know is maybe that one may have just started a new job, or lost a job; a baby may have just been born in their family, or they may be morning a death. The jogger may have just started their new exercise plan after having a an argument with their significant other about how they are putting on too much weight or they just might be in competition at their job to lose the most weight. How a person sees someone during their daily routine is not an accurate reflection of what is truly going on in their lives, although they are able to act as if nothing is bothering them.

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