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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Accra Rehab Center & Military Hospital 37

Visiting the Rehabilitation Center and Military Hospital 37 put disability in Ghana into perspective for it, it was like the defining moment of our trip. It brought out the true reality of having a disability and how one goes about living with one. I also wish that we were able to spend more time at this location. Again these two places could perhaps be where students can volunteer for a day or week.

The rehabilitation center is a great place for individuals to learn a trade, something that could potentially segway into owning their own business, i.e. woodwork, sculptures, dresses, paintings, etc. We met a man with deformed arms and hands who painted some really amazing things, he now teaches at the rehab center, here is one of his paintings, recognize anyone?

We also met a man who made wheelchairs for and competed in the special olympics athletic games. He was so happy to see us and show us his work.


We viewed a lot of the shops in which the residents there learn their crafts and work. We were also conscious of whether or not the areas within the center where accessible to the residents. And for the most part, it's sad to say they weren't. The ramps were too high and uneven, we think that perhaps they were used for wheeling machinery and materials into the shops and not for residents in wheelchairs. This center has been open since 1962 (the year both of my parents were born in), and I really felt like they should have progressed SO much more than they have. But I guess it's hard when they are in the situation they are in, with limited funding, and the views that the community has about the people they are helping. It was just an unfortunate situation. I'm so happy that a facility such as this one exists, however am so saddened by the fact that they so are far behind and have much more potential than shown. 

We are also planning to put together a fundraiser for this center as well, thinking about raising money to donate so that they can get their machines fixed, buy new materials, etc. 

We didn't spend much time at the Military Hospital, but I was surprised to see how much equipment they have for their patients. It was a relief to know that they have modernized treatments for individuals with disabilities (i.e. ultrasound machines). We were not allowed to take pictures so there will be none posted. It was a very small rehab, where they had an adult physical disabilities room and a pediatric unit. The children were SOOO adorable. One child we observed had Cerebral Palsy, and was so happy to see us! He smiled and attempted to babble at us...I wanted to take him home with me! We observed his ability to reach and grasp for items while sitting and standing. Karen could not pass up the chance to interact with such a cute child.

Also sighted this cute kitty at the Rehab Center:

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