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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Paper Topics

Trying to figure out what topic I am going to use to write my 10 page paper on!! Here are some of my brainstorming topics:

1) Similarities between Ghana's poorest and least accessible neighborhoods and the US's.

2) Similarities in views on disability in both US and Ghana and research articles on views of disability in both countries.

3) Rehabilitation availability expectation, when medical services are not even available? Priorities?

4) OT in the past, present, and future in Ghana? Awareness and advocacy? Hope?

5) Traditional Healing and Disability vs. Medical Help and Disability

6) Access to Rehabilitation in Greater Accra vs. Rural Accra

7) The Disabled in the Working Community of Ghana: Are there Jobs for these Citizens?

8) Autism: Perspectives on Causation in Both the United States and Ghana.

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