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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mosquito Spray and Kakum National Park

I titled this post "Mosquito Spray," because I think it deserves to be mentioned since it has been a large part of my daily routine. I use it before I go out during the day, reapply once the sun goes down, and again once I get out of the shower, that makes 3 times a day! Good news is, that it seems to be working, I've only had 1 mosquito bite thus far and I haven't even used the mosquito net! I wish I were as consistent with my malaria medications, I find it so difficult to remember to take it!

Kakum National Park was GREAT! We were able to complete the canopy (by the grace of God) or should I say CANOPIES (plural). Apparently many of us had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. We thought there was ONE SINGLE canopy, and after crossing our second, we were told there were FIVE more, for a total of SEVEN. Whew! Extremely nerve wrecking but totally worth it in the end. Many of the students are brave souls, as they were able to jump on it and take one-handed photos of themselves while crossing. I, on the other hand, was too busy repenting for my sins and asking God to just get me across. Silly--maybe, serious--yes.

Food for Thought: On the bus ride home, I thought about how the adventure on the tree-top canopy is very restrictive to people with disabilities. As someone with a walker, wheelchair, or other mobile device would not be able to cross it, although it is a possibility for someone with a cane to cross. The planks that a person must walk on are uneven and not leveled. Also when one walks across the canopy, they are doing so with 15 other people at the same time, only feet and sometimes inches apart from one another, causing balancing issues and unexpected movement on the canopy. This requires a lot of concentration and vision is an important quality sense to have. One must be able to view the planks, make smaller or bigger steps, hold onto the side ropes to provide stability and balance, while looking ahead to make sure they are not going to bump into anyone. It is now that I am realizing how many more advancements the world we live in has to make to accommodate all of its' citizens. If I were a person who had a disability, I would have been a little upset to not have joined in on all of the fun. I can only imagine, what it much be like, no I can't even.

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