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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Autism Treatment Center

One of my favorite trips, and somewhere I would love to return to volunteer for. In fact, we (OT students) are thinking to fundraise for this school and the special school, which is down the road from the Autism Treatment Center. I am also planning to pass this information onto other students who have participated in the intersession.

I have been working with children diagnosed with Autism for the past 2 years and find them completely fascinating. I do not say this because I think of the children as spectacles but simply that they are beautiful children, with unique personalities, and that they add something special to my life. I found it amazing that many of the children have the same tendencies as those that I work with at home. Although they are different and live thousands of miles away in a different country, they are alike, and share much in common. The children walked up to me, wanting to be hugged, touching and feeling, fulfilling their own sensory needs, as well as inviting us to their school.

 I wish we had more time to spend here, as this is my focus for much of my career, what I plan to dedicate a lot of my time to. I can't imagine how people may view these beautiful children as cursed or a punishment. It is sad that people are unaware of the neurological and genetic composition of their disorders, and merely treat them as outsiders/aliens/unwanted persons. I can say that I am grateful that this center has been founded and that there is someplace that these children can go to be educated without facing discrimination. I hope one day the people of Ghana can open more centers/institutions like this one.

This made me think about whether or not people in Ghana understand the potential causes of Autism, well, those that had been mentioned, because it still remains unknown. I feel a research topic coming on?? Who educates people on developmental disabilities, how are they educated, who is educated?

It was disheartening to hear that the school receives little funding for the students. There was one scooter for all of the children in the entire school and a couple of soccer balls. There were paintings on display for sale, the proceeds would benefit the children attending the school directly. I decided to buy two paintings, one for my home, and another to be framed and put on display at the Autism clinic I work for at home.

This place truly opened my eyes and touched my heart. Great trip.

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