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Monday, January 10, 2011

Dancing Lessons at Afia Beach Hotel

Tonight we had dancing lessons on the tennis court at our hotel, we were instructed by the CRAs from NYU. It was great! I liked the fact that it was optional, so not everyone had to come, and still, a lot of us showed up! It was so much fun, and funny at the same time. Of course in no way have we become professionals in traditional African dance, but we were able to get some of the moves. We really appreciated the Rosemary, Kingsley, and NanaAmah taking the time out of their schedule to teach us a little of their culture. They explained that they are taught these dances when they are in primary school. They were so knowledgeable and hand great rhythm! And afterward we played a schoolyard game called, "Big Booty!" in which I myself have played as a child, great night <3

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