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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Moving Away from the Stereotype of Begging

In Emmanuel's Gift, I learned about how many of the disabled in Ghana beg for money because it is the only way they know how to earn money. Only my second day in Ghana and I was able to see for myself how such an ordeal plays out. The disabled usually have a guide who act as their "eyes" when walking the streets begging for money, many of the disabled are blind. They walk up to a car, led by the guide, the disabled man or woman approach the window and stand and patiently wait. Another car rolls by without having gave the couple any money, and the task continues...

This just goes to show that Emmanuel's fight remains a struggle to pursue. The disabled in Ghana don't have much of an alternative to begging. They will continue to do this unless they can find companies and shops that will hire them. Unless there are accommodations and considerations for the disabled population they aren't left with many other choices but beg for money to provide for their families.

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