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Friday, January 14, 2011

Farewell Dinner at Headlines Hospitality

Tonight we had our farewell dinner and everyone looked BEAUTIFUL. Most of us wore our dresses that Marjorie (our personal seamstress) made us. They were just gorgeous, and she is a very talented woman. She was able to remember at least 30 orders without writing any of them down!

We ate our last meal together and took plenty of pictures. We danced and drank and danced some more, somehow trying to stretch the night, savoring the precious last moments we were spending with each other, wishing the night wouldn't come to an end. What an experience this has been and I'm so lucky to have traveled with an AMAZING group of people. Everyone, although different in many ways, was so accepting and tolerant of one another. We were able hold mature discussions about our trip and life, everyone adding their own personal touch to the conversation. I am truly blessed to have had this opportunity and I only pray that I can have many more like these filled with the same type of people.

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