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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Post Office & Interview and Accessibility Assessments

Today we visited Accra's post office. Nothing really special about today, I think this may have been my least favorite trip/activity, mainly because I was just having one of those, "don't feel like doing anything," days. We were assigned the task of conducting an assessment of the post office, other local shops, and the interviewing of a local worker in town. Not much to say, we interviewed a local shop woman who sold fabrics in her shop. We did have an interesting run in with a man who was "boozed," as the shop owner described. This is something I am used to seeing at home but never thought I would see it in Ghana. Coming from where I live, there are liquor stores within a 4 block radius of each other, thus making liquor more and more accessible to those who abuse it. I asked the woman if this was something she sees a lot of. She just stated that it usually happens when there is an increase in temperature, "When it gets hot, people like to drink in order to deal with it." I wasn't totally understanding her point but did not want to pry any further. She stated that people come from other regions during the dry season to Accra to cope with the weather as it gets extremely hot in other regions. As we were waiting for other students to join us a woman who worked at another shop offered us chairs and bench to sit on while we waited. I was so moved by this, she went around other shops borrowing chairs just so that we would not have to stand. It was so thoughtful, that would probably never happen at home.
But on the other hand, we did have a great time at "Reggae Night" on Labode Beach! We met some interesting people, listened to some great music, and watched the beautiful ocean <3

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