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Friday, January 7, 2011


Thought I might mention that I am SUPER HAPPY about an item I bought at the arts market! So as I am shopping around, I come into a man's shop because his bracelets have caught my eye, I decided to buy 6 of them, all different. I learn they are made out of Ghana's old currency, giving them the brass/gold and silver look, I was extremely pleased with my buy, and felt I didn't spend much. They would make great gifts. As he is wrapping my gifts, I glance over other items he has in his shop and I find the SANKOFA symbol, and it's in a pendant form, hanging on a nail all alone, under a make-shift shelf. "I want that," I say while pointing to the oversized necklace charm. "That? Oh that is nothing, just a pendant."states the man, as if to say, that's not something that you should be interested in. But anyone who knows me, knows I have just struck GOLD! This symbol has so much meaning to me, enough meaning that I had it tattooed on my back in 2006. "Yes that, I'll give you 2 extra Cedis for it." The looks at me in an awkward way and begins to wrap it. I think to myself, "If I don't need to buy anything else, I'm completely fine with settling for this." I couldn't believe I had found something I had been looking for (at a reasonable price) for almost 4 years!

Here I am sporting the new necklace and my tattoo that I got back in 2006! <3

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