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Friday, January 7, 2011

Emmanuel Yeboah's Foundation Visit and The Ghana Disability Bill

Unfortunately Emmanuel Yeboah was unable to meet with us in Ghana today because he was in the US! So we were a little disappointed since we were so EAGER to meet the exceptional individual. After the watching his movie, I just wanted to see him in person so that I could truly feel his story. But anyway, he sent someone who was just as good to convey his story. The representative he sent was a classmate of Emmanuel's in which he went to lower and upper primary school with. I was amazed at how highly he spoke of Emmanuel's triumph, courage, and success. It was nice to see someone look up to him and portray him in such a good light. He spoke of how Emmanuel even as a young person was an "Ambitious Ghanaian," even though he was born with a seriously deformed right leg. He spoke of how Emmanuel was "born into a system where disability was rejected and frowned upon." I was astounded when I learned that when Emmanuel was a small boy his mother carried him on her back just to take him to school because she never wanted him to miss out on his education. 

 Along with him the representative for his foundation brought two individuals with disability who have been benefiting from Emmanuel's foundation and the contributions from others all around the world. They spoke of life as a disabled person and how much Emmanuel has been a role model to them. One became disabled after he was injected in the wrong side with the polio vaccine. A student asked a very good question, "Are you angry at the person who injected you and caused your disability? Are you mad that they didn't know what they were doing?" His answer: "No." Absolutely Remarkable. 

They also spoke of the Ghana Disability bill in which I have also posted in this blog, but say that they are fast behind actually implementing any part of the bill. So once again, everything is in the hands of the government. They are working to CHANGE these things but need the help of more people, more money. "Lots of drops of water make a mighty ocean," said one of the men. We were also surprised and disappointed to know that Emmanuel's foundation had never heard of Accra Rehab Center and it was proposed that these two organizations link up as they could potentially collaborate together to provide people with disabilities a better future.

Emmanuel's Educational Foundation and Sports Academy for the Physically Challenged

Emmanuel is still working hard and dedicated to his foundation.

The Ghana Parliament passed the Persons with Disability Bill on June 23rd 2006. The Bill is aimed at enabling disabled people to “enjoy rights enshrined in the Constitution (Article 29 (8)) with the view to improving their living standards and mainstreaming their activities”.  The Bill which was first drafted in 2002 and been through up to 60 amendments during this 4 year period, finally went through with the blessing of both the majority and minority members of Parliament. The Bill aims to provide disabled people with:
· Accessibility to all public places
· Equal employment opportunities
· Transportation at free or reduced costs
· Free, general and specialist medical care
· The creation of desks specifically for disabled people at employment centres 
· A National Council on Persons With Disability to oversee the implementation of 
  national programmes aimed at disabled people
As you can imagine this will not happen overnight, a great deal of work needs to be done to achieve all the aims of the Bill, so it has been passed with a 10-year transition period.

The GREATEST QUOTE EVER: "The greatest and most dangerous disability in the world is SELF-PITY, not physical disability, self-pity will cripple you from taking action." ~Emmanuel Yeboah

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